These are strange days right now. With most of the world in various stages of lockdown, most of us are spending more time at home than usual. There’s already speculation that the traffic to porn websites is bound to increase. After all “what are people supposed to do?” If you’re…
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Resource Review: With These Words by Rob Flood
This isn’t going to be a normal review for me, mostly because this isn’t a book about women struggling with porn. (You can find resources for that here) But stay with me, because this book is good. I was given free early access electronically by my friends at New Growth…
What Do You Need to Let Go in Order to Break Free?
“This is it. This is the year I’m going to break free. No more. I’m done.” Sound familiar? If I were to read back through my journals (I have about two dozen), I’m sure I would find that sentiment scribbled out at the end of every December or the beginning…
Can Resources for Men Help Women Recover?
If you’re a woman struggling with pornography and looking for resources, you know all too well the lack of content written just for you. If you’re a recovery group leader, you know it too. For decades, resources for recovering from pornography have been mostly written by men for men. The…
For the Female Porn Addict: What Delights You?
“Why do women watch pornography?” I get asked it often at speaking events, usually by older women or baffled men. For so long we’ve said porn is a man’s issue and have ignored the issue(s) women have with it. So, when I share about my own struggle with pornography and…
How Porn Has Affected My Marriage: One Year In
When I wrote my book, Beggar’s Daughter, the main goal was to give practical insight into my journey as a female porn addict. No one was talking about it, especially people in the church. Pastors and counselors didn’t know how to address it and women who struggled had very limited…
Should You Tell Your Parents About Your Porn Problem, and How?
When I speak to others about female porn use in the church, I’m always quick to point out what I call a “generational schism.” If you took a cross-section of today’s women, from ages 13-50, you would see an exponential increase in pornography use. The 50 year old women in…
No, You Are Not Damaged Goods
“Only a low quality man would marry such damaged goods.” I made a mistake the other day. I logged on to Twitter. I’ve been staying off it because it really messes with my emotions- even more than lacking sleep or food. Honestly, nothing compares to the low I get from…
Why God Doesn’t Just Stop You From Watching Porn
At the height of my addiction to pornography, I prayed God would stop me from watching. The process went something like this: I would think about porn all day long. I would get back to my dorm room, sit down at my computer, log in, open up the browser, type…