Sometimes, we know the next step but we don’t know exactly how to take it or what it looks like when we do. That’s the case with many young women who write to me asking about the idea of telling someone. My first advice to anyone struggling is always, “You…
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The False Freedom of Anonymous Confession
In 2012, an app was released called “Whisper.” The purpose of the app is so people can post content anonymously. This is not an endorsement of the app. I’m merely using it to highlight the idea that while we’re more connected than ever, we apparently feel less safe. Confessions once…
Question Girls Ask: What Characteristics Should I Look For in a Future Husband?
Recently, I was speaking in New Zealand and had the opportunity to do a city-wide all women’s Q & A specifically addressing the issues of fantasy, pornography, abstinence and singleness. It was amazing, and I would be thrilled to do more of these. The category that seemed to be hit…
Stop Telling Me God is My Father
Father’s Day… as the years have gone by, this day has gotten easier, but there was a time in my life when this day brought nothing but pain. All of the Christian platitudes in the world did nothing but make it worse. I was young when my father left our…
A Pregnant Student, A Christian School, and How We Miss Grace
By now, you’ve likely seen or heard the story of Maddi Runkles, a Christian teenager at a Christian school not far from my hometown. At the moment, she isn’t allowed to walk in this year’s graduation… because she is pregnant. To me, this story is less about sexual purity and…
Why love when you can just have sex? Why love is really worth the work
Do you know what makes stuff like pornography, lust, fantasy, and one night stands so enticing? It’s not necessarily the sexual gratification (though that is for sure part of it). It is that, on the outset, these things are easy. Easier, at least, than love. Love, relationships, real intimacy is…
Your Daughters Deserve Better
Trigger Warning: I have noticed a disturbing trend in the search terms that lead people to my site. Creeping ever so slowly up the list are searches having to do with “daughter sex” or “daughter porn.” And it makes my blood boil. My top search term in Arabic is “daughter…
I Don’t Pray for my Future Husband
When I speak at college or high school events, sometimes I’ll get asked about the practice of praying for my future husband. More and more I see it addressed on other blogs and by other speakers on the issue. I used to do this, (and write him as well!) but…
Questions Girls Ask: How do I Tell Someone About My Porn Problem?
Whenever a woman who struggles with porn writes in asking me what her first step should be, I tell her she needs to tell somebody. The next question is almost always, “How?” How do I tell my parents I watch porn? How do I tell my husband I have to slip into the…