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    Does Your Pain Matter?

    Perhaps, like me, you’ve caught yourself saying these things over the past week: “Well, it’s not as bad as what she’s going through, so it doesn’t really matter.” “I got myself into this mess, so I have no right to complain.” “It’s not going to change anything, so why even…

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    The Healing in Brokenness

    This was not the planned post for today, but, when I woke up this morning, my brain was already writing it.  I hate when my brain gets a head start like that.  It takes a while for my fingers to catch up.  I was going to post this on my…

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    Will You Let Go For Freedom?

    I was cooking dinner right before I sat down to write this post.  I already knew what I wanted to write on. The topic of surrender and sacrifice is big now as we kick off Lent (for those who observe Lent) and as we prep for Easter.  This is a…

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    Thoughts on Online Dating

    Happy February!  All you singles, get ready.  It’s coming.  Brace yourself for the cheesy commercials with the catchy jingles.  Let’s talk about online dating. Most importantly, I do not feel there is a Biblical yay or nay in regards to online dating. The question “Does online dating glorify God?” is…

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    Stop Handling Sexual Assault “In House”

    This has been such a prevalent issue over the last couple years, both in a national scale but also a local scale.  There was a scandal in my own home church and larger denomination.  There’s the ongoing Catholic church scandal. Lately, it seems like it has intensified.  It feels like…