You’ve decided you want to share your story. Now is the time. You’re going to order your coffee (or tea), and sit down across from that person you plan to tell. You’re going to grab the mic. You’re going to pick up that pen, pull out that laptop, whip out…
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Should I Tell Someone About My Porn Problem? Three Questions to Ask
Whenever a young woman e-mails me to share her struggle with pornography or lust, and asks what to do next, my first piece of advice is always, “You need to tell somebody.” Meaning someone other than myself. It strikes fear into the heart of many of us, mostly because of…
Sexual Assault and “Protecting the Christian Reputation”
Between the heroic stance of Rachael Denhollander, the continued thundering of the #metoo movement, and current cases in Christian churches and the “Christian” response to them, my newsfeeds are filled with chatter about sexual assault and the approach/mishandling of it, especially by Christian communities. I thought of writing this a…
Three Cultures That Influence Female Sexuality
I was speaking at a college event recently with an anonymous Q & A at the end. One of the questions that came to the panel was this: What should men know about women’s sexuality? First, I feel that is one of the most insightful questions I have ever been…
Meet Naked Truth Project & Click to Kick- A Revolutionary Tool for Freedom from Pornography
With ever-changing technology and increasing access to pornography, it never hurts to have access to a variety of tools. Different approaches will work for different people. Some might benefit from one on one counseling, while others do well with group therapy approaches. Some might need a filtering software (like Covenant…
In Her Own Words: Meet Bethany MacDonald
It’s been well over a year since I first saw a news clip featuring Bethany MacDonald of the Naked Truth Project. Bethany was bravely sharing her story of porn addiction on the news and I remember feeling so encouraged. Here was another young woman on a different continent speaking up.…
Five Mistakes Churches Make When Handling Sexual Assault
Over the past five years, I have heard more stories of sexual assaults in churches than I ever care to count. Sickening accounts of pastors and leadership taking advantage of girls, women, boys, children, men in their care. What’s even more disturbing is the course of action so many churches…
Choosing a Word for the New Year When All You Want is Freedom
Perhaps you’ve seen the trend of choosing a word for the new year. Instead of resolutions to lose weight or learn a new skill, people choose a word they hope will define their year. Here’s what December 31 can look like for a porn addict. Man! I really screwed up…
Holding On to Hope When Everyone Else is Living Your Dreams
The holiday season can be hard for those who are single or struggling, mostly because it seems to highlight what we don’t have. This Christmas, we are heading to Florida to visit my brother, his wife, and my brand new nephew. My brother. My brother who is two years and…