These are all books/videos my husband and I have read/watched in marriage that we’ve found helpful.
Keep in mind, these are meant to be read together.
No author gets everything exactly right all the time and so many marriage books speak in generalities (women are like this and men are like that). It’s such a great conversation starter to read a paragraph that says, “Men are like…” and then turn to your husband and ask, “Agree or disagree?” So, while we may not agree with every single word or idea in each and every one of these, we definitely appreciate the conversation they’ve brought to the table.
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor – we watched this video series in our first few months of marriage and still refer to it.
With These Words by Rob Flood – I wrote a review on this here
31 Days to Great Sex by Sheila Wray Gregoire. – Full disclosure: I have so much admiration for Sheila’s work. I’ll be honest, this book wasn’t anything life-changing for us, but it could very well be for some people which is why I’m including it on here.
Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts by Les & Leslie Parrott – not just for premarriage! We started this book while on our honeymoon and it sparked good conversation.
Prepare/Enrich – this is a research-based program designed to help foster healthy relationships. You’ll need to find a facilitator/group to be able to access the material. My husband and I took the pre-marital assessment while we were engaged and we laughed, because the area it told us we would struggle in most is communication. We felt that was impossible because we’re both communicators. Our pastor wisely listened to the assessment (not us) and gave us some tools to help us communicate better and weather future miscommunications. Sure enough, two and half years into our marriage and guess what gets us almost every time? Communication.